Thursday 15 June 2017

Summer exhibition at Borøy Kunsthandel

Konservator Karl Olav Segrov Mortensen ved Sørlandets Kunstmuseum åpner utstillingen klokken 19. Årets gjesteutstillere: Kari Dyrdal - tekstil Åse-Marit Torbjørnsrud - metall Anna Talbot - smykker Hedda Bjerkeli - smykker Hanne Heuch - keramikk Sammen med vertskapet: Arve Rønning - skulptur Sidsel Hanum - keramikk Utstillingen er åpen hver dag fra 25. juni til 6. august kl. 12 - 16

Tuesday 14 March 2017

Platina - Stockholm

On Thursday the 23rd of March I'll be opening my solo exhibition at Platina in Stockholm, open from 17 - 19! Welcome!

Thursday 23 February 2017

Stiftelsen Scheiblers Pris for Kunsthåndverk 2016

I am very proud to be the recipient of the grant from The Scheibler Foundation / Stiftelsen Scheibler pris for Kunsthåndverk for 2016.

Monday 30 January 2017

Solo exhibition at Kunstnerforbundet in Oslo

My solo exhibition 'The Birds & The Bees' opens at Kunstnerforbundet in Oslo on Thursday the 16th of February 2016.

Tuesday 17 January 2017

KHÅK Kunsthall - Samtale 10 / Bevinget - Kunstbanken Hedmark

Utstillingen Samtale10 viser 10 kunstnere, alle med solid portefølje både når det gjelder utdannelse og utstillinger i renommerte museer og gallerier.
Bevinget er en nyprodusert vandreutstilling fra Kunstbanken som startet opp i Trysil bibliotek høsten 2016. Tittelen på utstillingen refererer til det felles tema hvor alle objektene er bevingete vesener i form av fugler samt en utgave av en Batman-figur. Fugler og vinger representerer det fremste symbolet på frihet, virkelighetsflukt, ut på eventyr eller nye muligheter. Med denne utstillingen ønsker Kunstbanken å vise eksempler på hvordan tre norske kunsthåndverkere arbeider med det samme temaet på svært forskjellige måter både når det gjelder arbeidsprosesser og materialbruk. Arbeidene viser et stort spenn i størrelser og uttrykk, er utradisjonelle og stiller noen spørsmål omkring definisjonen på hva smykker er. Vi finner materialglede, humor og masse herlig fantasi i kombinasjon med håndverksmessig og faglig dyktighet. Alle smykkene er ment for å kunne brukes. Noen er i store formater, noen er som små skulpturer og noen er som tegneseriefigurer. Les mer her. Ta kontakt med Kunstbanken for å bestille utstillingen (i Hedmark)!

CV and previous exhibitions

ANNA TALBOT CV Anna Talbot 18.09.1978 Leeds, UK Lives and works in Oslo, Norway +47 93 88 73 21 EDUCATION 2007-2009 MFA, Metal and Jewellery, Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Norway 2001-2004 Ba (Hon) Silversmithing Jewellery and Allied Crafts, London Metropolitan University, UK 1998-2001 Bachelor degree, comparative literature and art history, University of Bergen, Norway SOLO EXHIBITIONS 2019 ‘A Midwinter Night’s Dream’, Froots Gallery, Beijing, China 2018-2019 ‘A Midwinter Night’s Dream’, Froots Gallery, Shanghai, China 2017 ‘Once Upon a Time’, The Gallery at Reinstein|Ross, New York, USA 2017 ‘The Birds and The Bees’, Platina, Stockholm, Sweden 2017 ‘The Birds and The Bees’, Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo, Norway 2015 'Into the Woods', KRAFT, Bergen, Norway 2012 ‘Ornament is Fine,’ with Elise Hatlø, Galleri Format Oslo, Norway EXHIBITIONS (selection) 2024 Schmuck, Munich, Germany 2023 Årsutstillingen, Nationl Museum, Oslo, Norway 2023 DNA, Alliages, Cagnes-Sur-Mer, France 2023 MeltingPoint, Valencia, Spain 2022 Christmas Artist, Maihaugen, Lillehammer Kunstmuseum, Norway 2022 PeriferPINK, Kunst i Havgapet, Sleneset, Norway 2022 Fairy Tales, Myths and Stories, Galerie Handwerk, Munich, Germany 2022 Until Death Do Us Part, Alliages Asso, Lille, Brussel, Munich 2021 Zoom Jewellery Exhibition, Platina, Stockholm, Sweden 2020-2021 ‘Palace of Shattered Vessels’ Froots Gallery, Beijing, China 2019 ‘Borrow-Copy-Steal’ New York City Jewelry Week, NY, USA 2019 ‘Jewellery in the Starry, Starry Night’, Galerie Slavik, Vienna, Austria 2019 ‘Athens Jewellery Week’, Athens, Greece 2019 ‘Schmuck’, Munich, Germany 2019 ‘European Prize for Applied Arts’, Kilkenny, Ireland 2018 ‘European Prize for Applied Arts’, Mons, Belgium 2018 'METALLOphone 4 - Signature', Vilnius, Lithuania 2018 ‘Modern Cameos’ Baltimore Jewelry Center, Maryland, USA 2018 ‘Gerhard Munthe’ Jewellery Collection, The National Gallery, Oslo 2018 ‘Insects’, Galeria Alice Floriano, Brasil 2018 ‘Nordic Hands’, workshop, Aarhus, Denmark 2018 ‘Hardanger Musikkfest’, festival artist, Norway 2018 ‘Bijoux!’, Norton Museum of Art, West Palm Beach, Florida, USA 2016 ‘Schmuck’, Munich, Germany 2015 'PRIVATE VIEW - A Contemporary Jewellery Exhibition', Himmelberg, Austria 2015 'Trophies // In the Reign of Coyote', Munich, Germany 2014 'Och vad jag ser är ändlöst stort', Kungsbacka Kunsthall, Sweden 2014 'Story Art', Tendenser 2014, Galleri F 15, Moss, Norway 2014 ‘Schmuck’, Munich, Germany 2013 'Revelations', Grand Palais, Paris, France 2013 'Magnificent views? Landscape in Jewellery', Schmuckmuseum, Pforzheim, Germany 2013 - 2015 'From the Coolest Corner', touring exhibition 2012 ‘KL!NK Metall,’ group exhibition, Boque auf Croque, Munich, Germany 2011 ‘Kunsthåndverk2011’, Kunstindustrimuseet, Oslo, Norway 2011 ‘Thai:Nordic Workshop and Exhibition’, Bangkok, Thailand 2010 ‘Kunsthåndverk2010’, Kunstindustrimuseet, Oslo, Norway 2009 ‘Utstillingen09’, Kunstindustrimuseet, Oslo, Norway 2009 ‘Marzee International Graduate Show’, Nijmegen, The Netherlands PUBLIC COMMISSIONS 2017 Holla School, Ulefoss, Telemark, Norway 2014 Rødtvet School, Oslo, Norway 2014 Brøttum School, Ringsaker, Norway WORK EXPERIENCE 2022 Exhibition Producer, National Library, Oslo, Norway 2015-2019 Assistant Professor, Metal and jewellery department, Oslo National Academy 2013-2015 Master program coordinator, Oslo National Academy 2013 Head of program, Metal and jewellery, Oslo National Academy 2005-2007 Artist in Residence and technical assistant, Jewellery Department, London Metropolitan University COLLECTIONS 2019 Rian Designmuseum, Smyckoteket, Sweden 2019 Ilias Lalalounis Jewelry Museum, Athens, Greece 2017 Sørlandets Kunstmuseum, Norway 2014 Röhsska Museet, Gothenburg, Sweden 2014 Thomas Cohn Collection, Brazil 2012 ’Pahlman Collection’ Helsinki, Finland 2011 Museum of arts and crafts, Trondheim, Norway 2010 KODE Museum, Bergen, Norway 2010 National Museum, Oslo, Norway GRANTS AND AWARDS 2017 Scheibler’s Award for Crafts 2016 2015 10-year Artist grant for established artists 2013 The Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts one-year grant 2010 3-year artist grant PUBLISHED 2021 ‘Smykkeskrinet’, Jorunn Veiteberg, Skald Forlag 2017 ’Narrative Jewellery’, Mark Fenn, Schiffer Publishing 2014 'Metal Patination Techniques for Jewelers and Metalsmiths', Matthew Runfalo, Thames&Hudson Publishing 2013 'From the Coolest Corner', Arnoldsche Publishing 2010 ‘Coloured aluminium Jewellery’, L. Mann A&C Black Publishing

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